Monday, July 22, 2013

Blogpost #6: Internet Boredom

As vast and seemingly limitless as the internet is, sometimes you just don’t know what URL to type into that bar up top. 

When you run out of Facebook/Myspace notifications to go through and you've already checked your email 17 times, what then? Well running this site has turned me into a very experienced internet browser. So I want to pass along some of the tricks I've learned so that you can better use the World Wide Web. There is SO MUCH that you can learn and experience just from sitting in that computer chair so start now.

I read this article by Jordan Lejuwann named "How to overcome Internet Boredom?" at HighExistenceThis will give you steps on how to not be bored while surfing the internet.

 "Even being as great as it is, the internet has its limitations when you’re feeling bored as hell. You can only do SO much from a computer desk. You just checked Facebook 2 minutes ago and I’m pretty sure the world won’t end if you don’t comment back within three seconds of someone writing on your wall. So quit the browser and go outside!"

Stumble Upon (SU)

StumbleUpon is a social bookmarking site at the root, but it has infinity + 100 other tools at your disposal. When you sign up for an account on SU, you put check marks next to all of your interests. And I mean every single interest you can think of. After that, you just click “Stumble” and it will bring you to a random site that is relevant to one or more of your interests.
You can also choose what kind of media you want to find: pictures, videos, news, wiki, blogs, music, etc. Google is an inferior method for finding sites that you actually want to look at. Stumble will bring you to places on the internet that you didn't even know you wanted to go to! (But you did deep inside)
For every site that you go to, you can ‘thumbs up’ or ‘thumbs down’ the site so that SU gets a continually more accurate reading of your interests. Eventually you get to a point where you’ll have too many sites to keep up with. Your days of internet boredom are over.
Best of all, SU has a toolbar for Firefox that places all of those buttons at the top of the browser so you can control your stumbling from any site on the web. You can find it here. If you don’t have Firefox, download it here. It is by far the best and most versatile browser available.

In my opinion, Internet boredom is just a myth because I never get bored surfing the net because there's a lot of things to do. Like when you're playing games in a particular site, then you get bored. What would I do next? I would search videos in Youtube, In that site I wont never get bored I can search anything I want. Let's say I get bored with Youtube. What would I do next? I would simply check my account in all of the social networking sites like Fb, twitter, etc. The internet is like an unlimited source of fun, games, entertainment and etc

Blogpos #5: Understanding Situations

We live in a society where children are used to being entertained. Television 

and electronic games are major contributors to this dilemma. Children can passively sit and watch "Sesame Street" or play with a video game and be highly entertained. (It is true that "Sesame Street" is educational and that electronic games teach eye-hand coordination; however, they limit creativity, resourcefulness, and proper brain development.)

I read this articlle by Jane Nelsen and Lyn Lott named "Understanding the Child, Yourself and the Situation"

"Children can learn that it is up to them to take care of how they structure thunite of their free time. They can go to others for understanding, emotional support, and inspiration, but ultimately they are capable of taking care of themselves and the skills of self-reliance can begin getting exercised early in life."

Ask, "What ideas do you have to solve your problem?" If your child says, "I don't know," do not get hooked into giving him answers. You might say, "I have faith in you to work it out."

Listen in an empathetic way and acknowledge without trying to fix the problem: "I can understand that. I feet bored myself sometimes." If your child keeps badgering you, keep listening and acknowledging with noncommittal sounds, "Umm. Uh-huh." Eventually your child will get so bored with his unsuccessful efforts to get you to handle his problem that he will find something else to do.

Another possibility is to say, "That is good. Perhaps your mind and body need some quiet time. Would you like to learn how to meditate?" She will probably run the other way. However, meditation could be a good practice to model for your children and to teach when they are ready.

Limit time for television and electronic games so children are used to being creative and resourceful instead of being passive or depending on electronic gadgets.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Blogpost #4: Boredom in a positive perspective

What do you think about this topic? I bet when you first read this topic your mind cool downed because it's like you can't imagine that boredom can be your source to creativity.

Well, i read this article that gave me a lot of information named "Why is Boredom is good for your creativity?" by Mark McGuinness in 99u.

"I have to use all these programs that cut off the internet, force me to be bored, because being bored is an essential part of writing, and the internet has made it very hard to be bored."

Whether it is poetry or prose, I experienced the same familiar pattern: once it’s just me and the blank screen/page, a wave of boredom rises up to meet me. I feel the urge to go somewhere – anywhere – to get away. And I let the wave wash over me. I accept I am bored, that boredom is part of the process – and I trust that if I sit here long enough, it will subside, and reveal a flicker of curiosity.

That flicker is like the tiny flame a match sparks in kindling  easily snuffed out, but if you are patient, it will start to grow and burn brightly. Curiosity becomes interest, becomes fascination… and soon I’m lost in my writing, the words are flowing and I wouldn't be anywhere or doing anything else in the whole world.

You see, the part that Resistance forgets to tell us is that on the other side of boredom is the most exciting experience you can have as a creator – the state of being fired up and discovering new possibilities beyond anything you could have imagined before you sat down to work.

Based on this article it tells how we can turn boredom into creativity. Honestly, I've experienced this one when I was in grade 6, when I was bored with my classmate in their house we thought of something we can do but v 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Blogpost #3: Causes of Boredom

Boredom? Why do people get bored? What are the reasons why people get bored, Well, in this article it will tell you reasons why people get bored. This article was published by Mark Frenskie named "Root Cause Of Boredom" in Health24.

A scientific definition is needed not only to accommodate the different characteristics of boredom that have already been established but also to bridge across a variety of theoretical perspectives, Fenske added.

The researchers, led by York University professor John Eastwood, set out to better understand the mental processes that fuel feelings of boredom.

They found that attention and awareness are keys to the aimless state. After reviewing existing psychological science and neuroscience studies, they defined boredom as “an aversive state of wanting, but being unable, to engage in satisfying activity,” which arises from failures in one of the brain’s attention networks.

In other words, you become bored when:
you have difficulty paying attention to the internal information, such as thoughts or feelings, or outside stimuli required to take part in satisfying activity; you are aware that you’re having difficulty paying attention; and you blame the environment for your sorry state (“This task is boring”; “There is nothing to do”).

You can't avoid boredom but boredom can avoid you if you do something you are interested with. In my experience, for example, I had a great Sunday night with my friends in the mall, we ate in a particular restaurant, watched a movie but when I went home, I went straight to bed and slept and when I woke up, I prepared for school then When I get back in school I was like WOAH, back to reality so, a movie hangover or a too much fun hangover is also a cause of boredom.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Blogpost #2: Psychology :O

We have all experienced boredom.  Sitting in a class where the teacher is droning on about a topic you don’t care about, you may find yourself daydreaming or staring at a clock that doesn't seem to be moving.  Waiting for a delayed flight to take off at the airport, you may search in vain for something to distract you. Well, I myself experience this daily especially when I'm not interested to the topic, I tend to daydream thinking of games and future happenings.

I read this nice article which it explained what is boredom in psychological terms, the article is written by Art Markman with the title "The key factors underlying boredom." "Boredom often occurs when you have little control over your situation.  Waiting rooms, lectures, and airline gates are all places where you have little control over your situation.  Normally, we react to unpleasant situations by changing the situation."

Boredom often occurs when you have little control over your situation.  Waiting rooms, lectures, and airline gates are all places where you have little control over your situation.  Normally, we react to unpleasant situations by changing the situation.  If you don’t like a book you are reading, for example, you close it and do something else.  Boredom happens when you are unable to change the situation.  

Boredom is unpleasant and physically painful.  It can make you angry and frustrated.  Boredom can also influence your actions in negative ways. Bored people are prone to overeat, for example. 

Boredom typically occurs when people have trouble focusing their attention and they believe the reason for this difficulty is in the environment.  When sitting in the airport, for example, there is probably a lot going on.  There are people having conversations that you could listen to.  You probably have something to read.  There may be televisions showing the news.  But, the stress of waiting for a delayed flight often makes it hard to concentrate, and so your mind jumps from one thing to another.  You assume that this is caused by the environment, and so you feel boredom.

What can you do about boredom? Obviously, there are times when you are stuck. If you are listening to a lecture that you cannot leave, then you just need to find a way to get through it. When you have some control, though, use your understanding of boredom to help you out.

 If you can, try to do a meditation exercise to lower your arousal level. If you can lower your arousal, it will help you to feel less bored. Also, keep some music handy. Music you enjoy can crowd out distractions in the environment. It can also influence your mood in positive ways to counteract the pain of being bored.

In this article, I learned more about boredom and what are the things happen to you while you're experiencing boredom but when I read that boredom can affect us in negative ways that shocked me because based on my experience boredom is hurtful 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Blogpost #1: Introduction about Boredom

We all know the feeling. Time becomes slowed down. Nothing seems interesting. There is a feeling of yearning, but for what? This is what we call bored. We tell ourselves that we are bored! What does this mean?

For me boredom is the feeling when one person is left out without doing anything or when a person is doing something that he/she is not interested with it.

I read this article written by Allan Schwartz entitled "What is boredom?"

"One meaning we give to our boredom is that the book we are reading is not interesting. Another meaning might be that a class we are taking is a total bore. In other words, we look to something external to blame."

Boredom, when chronic, is very stressful and that has serious consequences for health. For example, we might be waiting room of a doctor's office. The time seems eternally long. Feelings of irritability and anxiety set in. This is where we start to feel very stressed. It seems as though the solution is to be seen by the doctor.

Another example might be that, boredom might cause someone from losing focus at work and getting injured because of the lack of attention. How many times have you been driving for a long period of time, become bored with the road and lose attention. My guess is that a good number of traffic accidents are caused this way.

Well, based on my experience with boredom, I can be bored very easily. For example, In a class if i'm not 
interested on what the teacher is talking about I tend to think about other stuff like games, future happenings, etc. But I can also fight my way out from boredom, I can do that by trying myself to be interested to that topic because I also need to learn about that topic. My advice for you guys out there who hates being bored, "DON'T TAKE BOREDOM SERIOUSLY" because it will make you more depress.