Monday, July 15, 2013

Blogpost #4: Boredom in a positive perspective

What do you think about this topic? I bet when you first read this topic your mind cool downed because it's like you can't imagine that boredom can be your source to creativity.

Well, i read this article that gave me a lot of information named "Why is Boredom is good for your creativity?" by Mark McGuinness in 99u.

"I have to use all these programs that cut off the internet, force me to be bored, because being bored is an essential part of writing, and the internet has made it very hard to be bored."

Whether it is poetry or prose, I experienced the same familiar pattern: once it’s just me and the blank screen/page, a wave of boredom rises up to meet me. I feel the urge to go somewhere – anywhere – to get away. And I let the wave wash over me. I accept I am bored, that boredom is part of the process – and I trust that if I sit here long enough, it will subside, and reveal a flicker of curiosity.

That flicker is like the tiny flame a match sparks in kindling  easily snuffed out, but if you are patient, it will start to grow and burn brightly. Curiosity becomes interest, becomes fascination… and soon I’m lost in my writing, the words are flowing and I wouldn't be anywhere or doing anything else in the whole world.

You see, the part that Resistance forgets to tell us is that on the other side of boredom is the most exciting experience you can have as a creator – the state of being fired up and discovering new possibilities beyond anything you could have imagined before you sat down to work.

Based on this article it tells how we can turn boredom into creativity. Honestly, I've experienced this one when I was in grade 6, when I was bored with my classmate in their house we thought of something we can do but v 

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