Monday, July 22, 2013

Blogpost #6: Internet Boredom

As vast and seemingly limitless as the internet is, sometimes you just don’t know what URL to type into that bar up top. 

When you run out of Facebook/Myspace notifications to go through and you've already checked your email 17 times, what then? Well running this site has turned me into a very experienced internet browser. So I want to pass along some of the tricks I've learned so that you can better use the World Wide Web. There is SO MUCH that you can learn and experience just from sitting in that computer chair so start now.

I read this article by Jordan Lejuwann named "How to overcome Internet Boredom?" at HighExistenceThis will give you steps on how to not be bored while surfing the internet.

 "Even being as great as it is, the internet has its limitations when you’re feeling bored as hell. You can only do SO much from a computer desk. You just checked Facebook 2 minutes ago and I’m pretty sure the world won’t end if you don’t comment back within three seconds of someone writing on your wall. So quit the browser and go outside!"

Stumble Upon (SU)

StumbleUpon is a social bookmarking site at the root, but it has infinity + 100 other tools at your disposal. When you sign up for an account on SU, you put check marks next to all of your interests. And I mean every single interest you can think of. After that, you just click “Stumble” and it will bring you to a random site that is relevant to one or more of your interests.
You can also choose what kind of media you want to find: pictures, videos, news, wiki, blogs, music, etc. Google is an inferior method for finding sites that you actually want to look at. Stumble will bring you to places on the internet that you didn't even know you wanted to go to! (But you did deep inside)
For every site that you go to, you can ‘thumbs up’ or ‘thumbs down’ the site so that SU gets a continually more accurate reading of your interests. Eventually you get to a point where you’ll have too many sites to keep up with. Your days of internet boredom are over.
Best of all, SU has a toolbar for Firefox that places all of those buttons at the top of the browser so you can control your stumbling from any site on the web. You can find it here. If you don’t have Firefox, download it here. It is by far the best and most versatile browser available.

In my opinion, Internet boredom is just a myth because I never get bored surfing the net because there's a lot of things to do. Like when you're playing games in a particular site, then you get bored. What would I do next? I would search videos in Youtube, In that site I wont never get bored I can search anything I want. Let's say I get bored with Youtube. What would I do next? I would simply check my account in all of the social networking sites like Fb, twitter, etc. The internet is like an unlimited source of fun, games, entertainment and etc

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